Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Defending the Orphan

Tom Davis says about the movie Orphan:

I want to challenge my readers and friends to write 500 positive blog posts about how an orphan has impacted and changed your life. Post this on your own blog so that when people search for the movie, they are flooded with positive messages about adoption and orphan care.

Just finish this sentence: "Warner Bros. new horror movie Orphan proclaims that it must be hard to love an adopted child as much as your own. Let me tell you about how an orphan changed my life..."

A few thoughts:

  • If I'm totally honest, I am bothered by the thought of my children being called orphans. They are such a deep part of my heart, it seems ridiculous that they were orphaned before God gave them to us.
  • I am a completely different person than I was when we decided to adopt. My view of the world, God and my family have evolved in so many ways.
  • I often try to articulate my feelings and emotions surrounding adoption - I frequently can't put it into words. I wish I could explain to people who say that my kids are "lucky" to have been adopted, that the joy and love that I feel for them seems unfair in a way. It is surrounded by so much loss for them and their first families.
  • The intense love I feel for these children that were born on the other side of the world surprises me almost daily.
  • Nothing makes me smile quite like watching Sophie and Micah interact. These two kids are family, because they call the same person "Dad".


Julie Neal said...

You go girl!! You often say things better that I can write them! I could feel your blood boiling and you getting on a roll!! You go girl!! Kiss all four of my kids- tell them Aunt juju misses them!!

Anonymous said...

Well said!!

Lauren said...

i love you