Saturday, November 27, 2010


I am struck by this FACT...

It is a worthy enough cause to raise children who love the Lord their God, who show Him to the world and who are secure in being His.

It is enough and also so much. What an overwhelming task to bring little (and big) people continually to the cross while trying to remain there myself. Each and every day, I fail. Multiple times. The hope is in getting back up and doing it all again tomorrow. The monumental task ever in the front of my mind. Enjoying the moments and the journey. They are a worthy task. Housework, Facebook, committees, meetings, sleep...all else can fall away. Staying in the moment and enjoying the moment will be my focus and joy this Christmas...daily renewal my saving Grace!


Created For His Glory said...

Yes and Amen!!!

carrieanne77 said...

Thank you for posting this Aimee. It is good to have a reminder on what is important.