Two years ago I gazed on this face for the first time ever. I'm not gonna lie. My first thought was -- wow! that kid has some HUGE eyes! My life has changed so much since I looked at this face. My life is much, much louder. Micah has not let his three siblings overshadow him. I have an uber (my first time using that term - what do you think?) crush on this little MAN (his initials are MAN). Is there a maximum number of parentheses allowable in a sentence? I hope not. Micah is such a smart, usually happy kid. He is a lover. He is a hugger, kisser and a talker. He likes to repeat the last word of every sentence that everyone says. I got my first "I wuv you" from Micah the other day. Nothing will melt a mom's heart more.
Adoption is a funny beast sometimes. Some parents say that they fall in love with the child just looking at the picture. That wasn't really the case for me with either of my kids. It was a process of getting to know them and falling in love with their strength of character, their ability to make it through more in their short lives than some of us will in our entire lives.
I can't imagine my life without this loud, adorable, hilarious man!
In a way (a good way) I envy you Aimee Neal. You have this amazing, eclectic collection of children. You have reached out to the world through your kids and, in turn, you get to experience the world in your own home everyday. (Yes, I can be sappy.)
kuddos on the use of "uber" - you can add kuddos to your vocabulary too if its not there. your family is precious. i'm so glad i know you......and maybe i'll even get to see you again sometime soon. :)
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