What is "squares", and how does it work? It's simple really...and yet a little hard to explain. We will create a grid with 100 squares. Across the top, will be Michigan State and 10 columns numbered 0-9. Down the left side, will be Michigan and 10 rows numbered 0-9. For every $20 donation, your name will be randomly assigned to a square. That square will have a corresponding number at the top for Michigan State, and a corresponding number on the left for Michigan. See the grid below with the example names of Joe, Sue, Bob and Mary:

Looking at the above example, if the score at the end of the first quarter was Michigan State 3 - Michigan 0, Mary would be the winner because Michigan State's score ended with 3 and Michigan's ended with 0. Moving on, if the score at the end of the second quarter was Michigan 7 - Michigan State 3, Sue would win $100. If the score at the end of the third quarter was Michigan State 10 - Michigan 7, Bob would win $100. Finally, if the score at the end of the 4th quarter was Michigan State 13 - Michigan 7, Sue would actually win another $100.
Hopefully that makes sense. If you're ready for the fun, click the PayPal link below and donate $20 for every square you would like to purchase.