this? We had a visit to the neurosurgeon last week because Makenzie was having some pain in her back. Apparently there is a "spot" in the spinal column that they have been "watching". I am thankful that the Dr's didn't inform me that they were watching said spot. We've had a worry free couple of years. We go every six months for MRI's. December's scan showed the spot growing a bit. So, we go in on Monday afternoon for another scan to see if there has been significant growth. Makenzie turns 14 on Sunday. Nothing like a MRI post birthday bash. The Dr. doesn't think the tumor is the cause of the pain. He will likely refer us to an orthopedist after he evaluates the tumor. This girl will amaze and impress you. She had a moment of teary questioning on our way home from the appointment. We talked through waiting, knowing that God knows and she has been (seemingly) peaceful since. I've been listening to Francis Chan's Forgotten God. He talks about supernatural peace from God. This is what we are praying for as we wait.