Apparently, I am funnier in my own head. I know, I know, that goes without saying. We decided to home school again this year. We home schooled for the '005/'06 year. Last year the kids went back to public school, but we really felt like we should give it another go. Anyway, I have an ongoing joke with some ladies about home school moms wearing denim jumpers and being a little socially awkward. I know it isn't nice - if you know me that is no surprise. So, I was meeting said ladies for lunch. I decided to take a trip to the resale shop first. I arrived in my denim jumper and bow in my hair. They were pretty shocked and didn't really know what to say. Again, I am funnier in my head. Oh well, I got a good laugh out of it.
- A few random pics. I will take a few more in the next couple days.