I've used that title before. If I'm honest I am anxious. We have yet to have a clear MRI report. The initial scan in December showed the tumor pre-surgery. The post-op scan showed the remaining tumor cells. Would really love to hear that the scan is clean. I called twice today (I've got some stalking skills). The Dr. was in surgery all day. Hopefully, we will hear tomorrow. Thanks for those of you who've called or checked on us. I try not to be dramatic about it, but I think it weighs on me more than I will admit.
*FYI - The red pillow is where the patients head would be. The table raises up and the patient is moved into the circle.
Makenzie took some Valium initially and was going to try to do the scan w/o and other meds. She said that she got into the tube and started yelling "Sedate me, Get me out of here". Gotta love an 11 year old that yells "Sedate me"!