Red letters is doing a fun Blog Buzz where they will ask different questions each week and bloggers can answer and learn. Thought I'd take a stab at a difficult topic (at least for me).
Why did you decide to adopt from Ethiopia? What are the pros and cons of adopting from this county?
For both of our adoptions we didn't have a clear idea of country. Some people feel drawn to different countries for different reasons. For Sophie's adoption, after a lot of soul searching, Dan really felt like China was the country for us. At the same time, Dan's brother and his family were adopting from Ethiopia (that's Caden in the picture - how cute is he?!?).
So, when we decided to adopt again, Ethiopia seemed like the place. Quite honestly, it doesn't seem like there are a whole lot of options right now for many people.
It does complicate our family dynamics though. Micah will have a lot more answers about his birth family than Sophie ever will. In China, it is illegal to put your children up for adoption. Abandonment is the only option for them. So, we literally have NO information about her first mom. We will be priveleged to meet Micah's birth family.
Dan's brother and sister-in-law are adopting from Ethiopia again. My sister
Lauren is also adopting from Ethiopia. Micah will have some cousins that share his heritage. That is awesome!
I am excited about that!
My plan is to adopt one more time from China after Micah so that Sophie will have some one to share heritage with (and because I think it is awesome!). We should probably wait a couple years this time. Dan is not quite on board with that plan yet, but I've got time to work on it :).
I am pretty sure that didn't answer any of the questions at all. Welcome to my brain. Scary, huh?